Kellies Tents Website Upgrade
Website Upgrades $1,500.00
50% Deposit $750.00
Balance on Completion $750.00
- Keep the top menu bar and change the colour to a soft black
- Center the logo and make larger on a soft dark background
- Larger centered menu (similar to Cascade Tent Rentals)
- Remove video and photo and replace with a banner slider more related to the film industry (Adobe Stock Images)
- Revise Introduction Text (300 words)
- Remove VitalOxide information and replace with a two stage contact form with spam filter.
- Remove the Meet The Team section
- Add a Mission Statement / Point of Difference
- Add a FAQs section
- Add more text to the Tents section for individual tents.
- Section for “Other Services”
- How it Works altered to show the process of delivery, setup, and pickup.
- Update Image Gallery