Companies spend thousands of dollars performing User Experience (UX) tests on their websites to make sure that it works to its full potential. This is not always possible for smaller businesses so here are a few tips that can alert you to user experience problems for...
When a visitor comes to you website you have roughly 0.05 seconds to make an impression. 50 milliseconds to convert a visitor and make them stay. This all happens before they have read a word of text so you have to capture their attention with non verbal signs. You...
1: Don’t make it too hard These tips will focus on what you need to do to make it easy for your users to access your content. This is achieved by reducing the users efforts to find what they are looking for and the performance of your website. Content should...
Never under estimate the importance of Responsive Website Design in today’s online world. Mobile users deserve the same quality of Browsing Experience as desktop users and seeing as though more people view and search for websites on a mobile device it is now...
When selling your products or service online you need to be sure you have designed your website with your customer in mind. Is your website over designed that it is virtually impossible to find your products not to mention purchasing them. Here are some E-Commerce...
Lets talk “Call to Action” Call to actions are important but know when ask and when to shut up. Any salesman will tell you that timing is everything when making a sale. Push a customer too soon and you will drive them away. Wait too long and the moment...